The Bigfatlucha at The National Museum of Singapore

The Bigfatlucha was at The National Museum of Singapore, Public Garden's Bras Basah.Bugis Arts Flea Market in conjunction with 'The People's Collection- A Special Exhibition' on the 26th and the 27th of April. A new experience for me here at the Public Garden, great crowd, nice ambience, an amazing venue and i got paid, like really well! To those who came and support, my fellow comrades, friends and family, muchos gracias for the love y'all! And of course, to those who bought my many loved items, a million thank you for the contributions to my Hajj fund, god bless all of you! I am really looking forward for the next one now, come quick!

* Check out The Bigfatlucha on Facebook for the latest updates and other cool stuff.

Happy new owners

The Bigfatlucha's Recycling.

Picking up random discarded materials from around the neighborhood is never a bad thing. Recycling is always good. When you repurposed these so called trash, you are doing your part to save the planet, thus making the world a better place for everyone, definitely a good thing! Go dumpster diving and make something today! Here is a sweet coffee table.

Check out The Bigfatlucha page on Facebook for other cool stuff. 


 A broken vintage suitcase from the dumpster.

A nice looking leg by the bin.

Discarded pieces of ply from under the void deck.


A sweet coffee table for you!